Saturday, April 20, 2013


The End.


  1. TWIST ENDING, talk about the perfect "happily ever after" of a serial killer fairy tale.
    Loved this!! Really awesome and imaginative work. :D

    1. They make the perfect Bonnie and Clyde...unfortunately for their victims though. Beware! Thank you for "reading" :)

  2. Wow, Torture is their foreplay it seems.
    Twisted made for each other this one. And here I thought she was in over her head... Seems they both were and then the violins played a dark angel metal sound and they realized they're perfect for each other.

    And all pictures! I love them. A picture tells a thousand words, they say, I shall keep to myself what these whispered in my ear :P
    Great work Deej!

    1. Yep, a sick team of serial killers...just imagine.

      Haha I think I heard that song go off somewhere in the distant as Marco pulled Rory towards him and said "It's ok, we can have fun together; I'll protect you." Can only hope the people in that bar get wise before they move on!

      Yay! It's funny as this was a pics only challenge and yet I wrote words for the first one. Didn't of course publish that but sometimes words just happen!

      Thank you Jem :)

  3. Really good production and Story Daijahv,
    Your sims are very beautiful, specially "Marco" :). I think i really like your ... depraved sims.

    As you said we can compare them with Bonnie and Clyde...then, in true life, i wouldn't like to meet them.

    May i meet only Marco ? ^_^

    1. Thank you Clarisse!

      Haha I like their darker traits myself. I think it's why I like the bad guys to be so appealing in looks; it makes them irresistible.

      I wouldn't want to meet a murderous couple in it for the thrill either! They are much too sadistic and would do anything to their victims for pleasure!

      Absolutely! But he isn't very sweet on his own either! :)

  4. Bad people, wicked wicked people.... Great presentation of their story.... :)

    1. Lol! Yeah they make a sick couple! Thank you :D

  5. haha a deliciously evil about a match made in hell :D
    you rock Daijahv

    1. Lol! They are indeed! That town won't know what hit it once they really get going!

      Thank you Sara :)

  6. Hehe, loved this :D I like that I can decide what each character was saying and thinking. And a serial killer couple? Brilliant. Love how at the beginning I was all "oh god, she's gunna get murdered", and it turned out she was just as bad haha! :D

    1. Thank you Gemly! I was hoping "readers" did that! And honestly it was kind of hard not writing words for what the pictures and trying to get them to "speak for themselves!" But I liked the end result. Haha yeah I think Marco was a pretty thrilled when he discovered his latest victim's dark secret! Lol a match truly made in hell!
