Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cabot Creek - An Apocalypse World

Hey everyone!

Just a quick note on what’s happening for Outbreak.

Ever try making your own Sims 3 world? I have, just once before which resulted in a HUGE disaster and subsequent abandoning of said project. But, I decided to give it another go. The outcome? Cabot Creek, An Apocalypse World. While I have no intentions of uploading this world (for reasons listed below), I did want to share some of the screenshots from the project.

Before I do that, I just wanted to say that I know there are apocalypse-like worlds out there in the likes of Roseward, Ghostlight, Nightmare City, Lost Cove, and Silent Hill, just to name a few. And while many of them had qualities I loved, they were either too small for my needs (which would not allow for expansion of extra sets as needed), too laggy (which made it hard and frustrating to use) or just not busy enough (not enough sims generated because no places to live). But, if they taught me anything it was that I knew what I wanted...I just had to make it happen.

I did find so many wonderful lots pre-built that added character to my little remake of Moonlight Falls and I wanted to extend a thank you to all of the creators and builders that made this little sleepy EA town come to life, or rather, death.

Lots used:
Hunting House by Severinka
Sunnydale High by Alex_Kaye
Massacre by PaleSecret
Don’t Let Them In by ValoisFulcanelli
Brookhaven Hospital by Neuro-Toxic
Back in Town by YenniSims
Creepy Motel by PralineSims
Trailer Park by Shady
Piece of Manhattan by Ariuska
The Bunker by Lay1010
Rustic Retreat by JennifurB
Criminal Dump by AnnettesB
Beat Down but Livable by Hello83433
Mixed Bunch by AnnaSommer (a household)
Glue Factory by CycloneSue
Chemical Depot by CycloneSue
The Halt by CycloneSue
Railway Junction by CycloneSue

CC used:
DMC conversions by Toxxxicrose
Burnt House by GrannyZaza
Destroyed House by GrannyZaza
Metro Set by Granny Zaza
City Ruins by Helen
Cargo Set by Carlos
Construction by Syren
Industrial by Syren
Concrete by NoirAndDark
Construction by CycloneSue

Everything else was in game.

And now, without further ado, I present Cabot Creek: An Apocalypse World:

I am currently working on making the inhabitants of Cabot Creek mortally wounded members in the ranks of the undead (similar to what was done in Roseward for last year’s volume of Outbreak).

Now, if you were curious as to why I chose not to upload, I did want to shed a little light on that.

1: First and foremost, patching. As a digital downloader I was FORCED by EA to upgrade to 1.69 in order to access my EPs (assholes). Well in doing so, the game no longer recognized CC Magic without a LOT of finagling. This resulted in some of my CC becoming a little unstable. Hidden CC, missing CC, disappearing CC from saves where I’d JUST used it. Headache central for sure.

2: Next, I’ve added CC from creators whose TOU does not allow for reupload of items which means I would have to go through and remove their creations (a lot of which makes the world what it is) before I could share it with you.

3: On top of that, I edited much of the CC as well with S3Pe in order to get them to appear as CAW metadata.

4: Then, CAW would not allow me to use the Edit-In-Game feature where I could drop custom lots into the world where I wanted. With this option, the user, upon new game, would just need to select a home and start playing. That didn’t happen for me. SO my exported world is actually just a shell of CC with no lots for play. (Those are in the saved games instead).

5: Finally, I was having a HELLUVA time getting the world to export. It finally worked when I removed my DCCache folder to my desktop. While I don’t believe this had any major repercussions as the world installs and loads just fine, I don’t want to run the risk of it harming anyone’s game.

I’m sure everyone has had their issues with EA and I definitely don’t want to contribute to that. I hope you can understand.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with these. Bloopers from the Origin/Quarantine story. Enjoy!

~ Daijah


  1. Ooo nice, one of the lots is by my forum buddy Valois, I love her builds!

    I am soooooooo lucky that I bought the Steam version of Sims 3; I got to sidestep that "Origin-exclusive" patch (and all the hell and headaches it brought to so many) entirely because of that! Sorry to hear it struck yet another. -_-;;

    World looks awesome, though!

    1. Her lots are very well detailed, I love that.

      That is lucky :( I have always done my as digital downloads (well before Origin became the major piece of crap it is now) and sadly EA decided to force it down everyone's throats and so I got stuck. Hate it. But the only way out of it is via steam or going back and buying up the discs. Neither one I want to do as I'd have to shell out even more money to a company I despise. Luckily I did find a work around but I'm still not a happy camper.

      Thank you :)

  2. looks great, if that is a word that can be used to describe a place that is now a barren wasteland. LOL

    1. Lol, yes! Thank you :D Should be fun watching everyone running from the hordes O.o
