Sunday, October 6, 2013

06. Roommates

“Haha, Roger just sent me a picture of his dick with a bow tied on it. He said it’s my Christmas present when he gets home,” Lynette laughed as she sat at her desk with her laptop, typing away with her boyfriend. He’d gone home for the holidays as did many of the students on campus leaving but a few strays around the place making it seem much like a ghost town than this college usually is.

“Gross,” Carrie moaned as she turned the monitor for her to see. “You two are something else. Next thing you know you’ll be sending him a picture of your tits with a note that says ‘Do Not Open ‘Til Christmas’,” she smiled and flipped to the next page of her magazine.

“Oh hey that’s not a bad idea, Carrie, thanks!” she saw her grab her cell phone and unbutton her shirt and laughed.

“It was a joke Lynette!”

“There,” she nearly sang as she pressed the send button. “That’ll give him something to think about while he’s cutting the turkey at his parent’s place.” She pulled up from her chair and stretched before joining me on my bed with a wicked little smile. “So bored,” she moaned and rocked back and forth until her roommate gave her some attention. “Are you hungry?”

“No. You heard Mrs. Ramsey, the kitchen is off limits. If you get caught down there she’s going to suspend your privileges.”

“Well then I’d better not get caught then huh? I’ll be back in a few.” She grabbed the key to their room that had a skeleton key as well for the community rooms around the dorm before quietly slipping into the hallway. Carrie shook her head as she watched her disappear, knowing she was bound to be heard. Barely anything can go unnoticed from Mrs. Ramsey’s eagle eyes. Lynette would be lucky to ONLY have her privileges suspended.

Carrie continued reading her magazine, disgusted by the numerous rumors of celebrity infidelity Litt reported on. She didn’t think anyone knew what being faithful meant these days. As time passed on Carrie found herself growing more and more tired. Lynette should have been back by now but knowing her she probably made a pit stop at some guy’s room to have dessert. As much as she and Roger had sex, Lynette never seemed satisfied with just the one guy.

Carrie dropped the publication to the floor and pulled her covers over her shoulder. When Lynette gets back she was sure she’d get an earful. She didn’t know how long she was out for but she knew what it was that woke her up. Glancing at the clock Carrie moaned and her eyes fell on the door as she thought she heard her roommate finally making her way back towards their room.

A faint gurgling sound was coming from down the hallway growing louder as it moved. Carrie froze in bed, pulling the covers up around her neck as she listened. Something wasn’t right. Her heart began pounding hard in her chest as the sound stopped but only temporarily as it was soon replaced by a loud dragging noise.

Terrified, she sat shivering and staring at the door unable to move. Lynette had taken the keys with her preventing me from locking the door. The only option was to maybe barricade herself inside the room. Hopping up from the bed, Carrie pushed the chair against the handle of the door and nearly screamed as a bang that sounded like a gunshot erupted in the hall followed by more dragging sounds.

She pressed her ear against the door listening as it came closer and closer stopping just outside. A rough scratching sound began as though something was trying to claw its way inside or chipping away at the door with a sharpened blade. Frightened beyond belief, Carrie rushed into the closet and silently locked herself inside. What she’d give for some sort of weapon right now. It was bad enough she had an overactive imagination but coupled with Lynette’s hounding to make her watch Black Christmas earlier her mind was working overtime.

Carrie felt her throat tighten at the thought of some large, masked man standing just on the other side of the door with a bloody ax in hand and an illogical desire to kill. The scratching noise seemed endless and she prayed that whatever it was would just go away. Eventually she found herself falling asleep again, curled up at the bottom of the closet. When morning came, Carrie cautiously exited the closet and much to her relief she found the scratching had stopped but she still found herself incapable of opening the door.

She looked out the window and noticed the mailman passing by the dorm and moved quickly to get his attention. “Help! Please help!” Carrie yelled until she saw him turn to face her and rush towards the front doors. She could hear his footsteps enter the hallway but suddenly they stopped. “Hello?” she called and waited for him to respond. For a moment there was nothing but silence.

But after a while he finally answered. “I’m here. The police have been called just stay where you are.”

“The police? Is everything ok?” Carrie asked feeling her heart fall into her stomach. The terror she felt last night quickly returned and her breath caught in her throat as she thought about the dragging and scratching noises.

“Everything’s fine just stay where you are.” The worry in his voice pulled her forward and the fact that she was no longer alone behind these doors. Pushing the chair away Carrie turned the handle and pulled opened the door. As it swung open, she saw the mailman standing at the top of the staircase; his face was pale, drained completely of blood and his eyes were opened wide in shock.

Looking down where his eyes remained fixed she found what caused the fear to seep into his expression. Sprawled on the hallway floor was Lynette’s body lying in a large pool of blood. There was an axe buried deep within her skull and her fingernails were torn down to the bone from scratching the door all night for help.



  1. you know reading these college legends does nothing for my fears considering I'm sending my daughter off next year. Thanks DJ I'm going to go lock her in her room now and not let her leave. LOL

    Poor Carrie, she did what any logical person would do, run and hide, but just like the other college roommate one, you know she's gonna feel like shit because she could have possibly saved her friend. :(

    1. HAHA If you send her with a few "gifts" she should be fine. You should buy her a college survivor kit which includes: 9" Bowie knife, 3 Spices pepper spray, Eardrum splitting rape whistle, rubber ducky squeaky toy (distracts the clowns), can of rotten spam (distracts the zombies) and duct tape...because duct tape fixes everything!

      Lol! Yeah she did the smart thing and even that proved to be bad because she was hiding from her friend. Too bad she had just the self preservation at that point but what logical person wouldn't?

      Thank you for reading :)

  2. And the moral of the story is.... late night snacks are not healthy.....

    To think that her friend was trying to get inside :( Was she already axed or was that after she clawed the door? Creepy.

    1. HAHAHAHA "Stay in bed, behind locked doors and you'll survive the night." -Oreos That would be a great selling point :P It is a great moral though and one that Lynette would have benefited a lot from!

      It was sad when she realized her friend was trying to get inside and she left her out there to die. Afterwards, so technically hiding did save Carrie's life! That sound like a gunshot was the ax being hacked through her skull and her head hitting the ground. Split her right open. (Geez Daijah graphic much?)

      Thank you for reading :)

  3. If only Lynette stayed in her room..she should have just toughed it out until morning.

    1. LOL! She tried to stay back but her hunger got the best of her. Carrie was lucky enough to get bypassed by the killer though.

      Thank you for reading :)

  4. Poor Carrie, now she's scarred for good, no doubt!

    Am I starting to see a MO here, or am I making too much of all these murders? o.O I mean, they do seem to have things in common...

    1. Absolutely! That kind of thing sticks with you!

      Perhaps :P they are all urban legends but they have that one running "girls beware" it seems. Maybe the moral is for women to keep a knife or gun on them at all times just in case. But then there is also the use of an ax or otherwise sharp object so far (ax) yep! :D

      Thank you for reading :)
