Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18: Abandoned

There’s a deserted farm that sits in the trees
its wooden planks howl with the rustling of the breeze
the tenants have long since left but its arches stay true
and even more hideous things are hidden from view

These tenants weren’t “normal” by definition
children and animals oft turned up missing
boiled and eaten in the night’s stew
or used as ingredients for the witch’s brew

They cackled and they danced upon their victim’s bones
and made the fire hotter at the sounds of their moans
their cats looked on feasting on flesh and skin
dabbling deeper into the evil from within

Their magics were dark and even scary for them
hexing and cursing everyone at their every whim
but out of the darkness came a voice loud as thunder
it threatened and tormented putting their plots asunder 

The witches made haste getting out of there quick
their purpose now changed and havoc more sick
“Take heed and go, you’re wanted elsewhere now.”
And where the hags ended up only evil would allow

Continue ---->


  1. Creepy. I hope they aren't headed for the manor house. I feel like bad bad things are in store for the ladies. DJ better hope everyone will survive otherwise she will have lots of blood on her hands.

  2. So right Jaz! They are all called there every year which is what Everett was telling them, there's more to worry about.

    Thank you for reading!

  3. Wow awesome Daijah!! Muhahaha can't wait for moree

  4. LOL! Thank you Nicky :D Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. That's creepy! Jazen said it best! I hope they are not headed toward the manor! There are no kids there for them to brew but I'm sure they could think of other ways to torture us!

  6. Yep, no kids there but I agree, I'm sure they'd have fun coming up with "interesting" recipes!

    Thank you for reading :D

  7. If the witches ran away, then everyone should stay away!!!

    It had to be something extremely scary for them to run.

    I can't wait to see what it was!

  8. And you most definitely will! The witches were chickens lol but then they received orders and now since they are heading towards you, that wish will become reality!

    Thank you for reading!
